Dr Antoine Sanou successfully defends thesis

News article 19 Mar 2020

Congratulations to Dr Antoine Sanou who successfuly defended his thesis on Monday 16th March 2020 

On succesfully defending his thesis, Dr Sanou said: “I very much appreciate all those whom supported me during my studies. Thanks to all colleagues and friends at CNRFP, University of Glasgow and Liverpool school of Tropical medicine. I learned a lot from you, and this has helped me shape my skills and enthusiasm for science. My hard work at the university has brought me one step closer to my life goal which is to be a good scientist helping mankind and society in fighting vectors borne-diseases for improving health conditions.” 

Project Title: Ecology and transmission potential of insecticide resistance malaria vectors in Burkina Faso

Objectives: To characterize the population dynamics, insecticide resistance and behaviour of malaria vectors through longitudinal surveillance of mosquito populations across a range of sentinel sites in Burkina Faso.
1. To test for associations between the degree of insecticide resistance in malaria vector populations and their malaria transmission potential (host choice, time and location of biting)
2. To investigate the indirect impacts of insecticide exposure (behaviour and fitness) on insecticide resistant vectors.
3. To use the data gathered above to quantify the amount of malaria transmission that can be prevented by LLINs within areas of high LLIN coverage in Burkina Faso.
4. To contribute to the development of malaria vector ecology and behaviour at the Centre National de Recherche et de Formation sur la Paludisme in Burkina Faso

Cake replica of mosquito electrocution trap! courtesy of Dr Luca Nelli

Prof. Heather Ferguson, University of Glasgow & Dr Antoine Sanou


Image 1: Dr Antoine Sanou and external examiner, Prof. Frederic Tripet of Keele University 

Image 2: Graduation Cake, replica of mosquito electrocution trap! courtesy of Dr Luca Nelli of the University of Glasgow

Image 3: Dr Antoine Sanou and Prof. Heather Ferguson of the University of Glasgow

Image Credits: Prof. Heather Ferguson and Dr Antoine Sanou